Tuesday, October 24, 2006

SBS Transit launches "Flag the Bus Early" campaign

SINGAPORE : The SBS Transit has placed signs at 100 selected bus stops across Singapore, encouraging passengers to flag the bus early. This will help bus captains stop at a timely manner and to ensure a smoother and safer ride for those onboard. The operator has launched the public education campaign after receiving complaints that bus captains drove off from bus stops without picking up passengers. Its subsequent investigations found that many commuters missed the bus because they often flagged too late. Commuters can also pick up brochures on safe bus stop practices at 16 bus interchanges. - CNA /ls

I heard the news over the radio in the car, my immediately response was "what rubbish!".
Is there a need for such a campaign? Why waste resources to launch such campaign? Is it because the recent rise in public transport fees leave them with too much profits, and they have no better idea how to spend it? Spend it to improve the 'World Class Transport System' pls!

So they think by putting up signs at this 100 bus stops, people will respond to it by flagging early. Let me try to explain why most of the time people fail to flag early, even though i doubt flagging late is a phenomena, it is merely an excuse as to why some bus captains refuse to stop.

1) For some bus services, we can wait up to 15-20 mins for the bus to arrive at the bus stop? So it is difficult to focus on the road and look out for that bus for that long period of time. McDonaldization haven really make us robots yet.

2) Not everybody has perfect eyesight, even with specs or lenses on, therefore we want to be sure we are flagging the correct bus. Later is safer.

3) Some buses do not slow down when approaching bus stops. With the speed and the small numbers on display, it is very difficult for us to see the service number.

Why put the blame on the commuters when bus captains drove off bus stop without picking up passengers? Most of the time it is because bus captains chose to open only one eye.

While they're at it, why not launch "Slow down when approaching bus stop" or "Bus coming at a regular and shorter interval"campaign instead?

Seriously living up to Singapore's reputation as campaign master, maybe campaign jokers, and taiji master (pushing the blame on everybody else except themselves).

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