Monday, December 18, 2006

My favourite time of the year is here!! PaRtiEs and more paRtiEeeEEes!!
Kim's birthday bash, minnie's bacholorette night and our annual xmas partee! PLUS PLUS PLUS, im gona be a bridesmaid! yay!

Tentatively leaving for Dubai on the 27th..daddy-visiting! yay again! i get to watch on-demand movies!

im a busy girl~lalala~i love being so restless~lalala~im a busy girl~in a material world~lala (sung to a random tune)

I already got my christmas gifts fr rayray!~ he bought me an unbelievably expensive mirror (which i accidentaly hinted that i wanted for christmas) and a wallet! the mirror is so ana sui and the wallet, i tell u, is amazing. golden brown with a pretty butterfly on the outside. the inside has oh-so-saccharine floral printed cloth. i love it love it!

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